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Follow me on Instagram with @cecilia_in_the_jungle
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A little less available by phone, but you can try at 0680287515
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Don’t hesitate to contact me by email at
Follow me on Instagram with @cecilia_in_the_jungle
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A little less available by phone, but you can try at 0680287515
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Support the work by liking the projects on Behance at
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Find some of my pieces to buy here at with talented artists.
︎ more illustrations
Another part of myself as graphic illustrator here
︎ more creations
Another part of myself as graphic designer here
Get in touch with the news and last updates thanks to the page
Find some of my pieces to buy here at with talented artists.
︎ more illustrations
Another part of myself as graphic illustrator here
︎ more creations
Another part of myself as graphic designer here
odyssée naturelle
abondances typographiques
l’artiste — l’oeuvreFascinée par la lettre et la courbe, Cécilia se prend de passion pour le graphisme et la typographie et suit un parcours de design à Paris avant de se lancer pleinement dans l’illustration.
Exploratrice dans l’âme, elle est profondément marquée par ses voyages dans la jungle luxuriante et animée d’une curiosité infinie pour la faune et la flore.
Ses dessins sont des invitations au voyage, des rencontres incongrues, et des plongées dans ce qu’elle nomme “les poumons de la Terre”.
Exploratrice dans l’âme, elle est profondément marquée par ses voyages dans la jungle luxuriante et animée d’une curiosité infinie pour la faune et la flore.
Ses dessins sont des invitations au voyage, des rencontres incongrues, et des plongées dans ce qu’elle nomme “les poumons de la Terre”.
Fascinated by the letter and the curve, Cécilia became passionate about graphics and typography and followed a design journey in Paris before embarking fully on illustration.
Soul of an explorer, she is deeply marked by her journeys through the lush jungle and animated by an infinite curiosity for fauna and flora.
Her drawings are invitations to travel, incongruous encounters, and dives into what she calls herself the “lungs of the Earth”.
Soul of an explorer, she is deeply marked by her journeys through the lush jungle and animated by an infinite curiosity for fauna and flora.
Her drawings are invitations to travel, incongruous encounters, and dives into what she calls herself the “lungs of the Earth”.
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tous droits réservés créations originales ©